Certification is a good thing.

We believe in creating frameworks in which people can develop and enhance their skills and ability to generate results for their clients.

Certification requires more than a comprehension of information and an understanding of tools. Certification requires a proficiency in the ability to apply learning and skills in a contextual manner such that the coaches’ client generates results in their domain.

So yes, we offer certification and we do so as recognition of the coaches’ ability to apply their learning and skills and we believe the true measure of a coaches’ skill is found in the successful results the coaches’ clients achieve.

There are many other good programs out there that provide certification. Programs such as Co-Active Coaching (CTI) offer certification in their unique methodology and others such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF) offer tiered programs that are aimed at ensuring that clients are meeting specific knowledge and skills criteria. ICF certification is primarily a standardization framework. These certification programs have merit and we always will encourage coaches to explore and participate in these programs also.

The Certification that we provide is contextually unique. Coaches who participate in our Living Labs are committed to creating successful coaching practices with a focus on coaching within the corporate and business context. We provide training that enables the coach to masterfully design coaching process and frameworks that empower coachees to generate results. We provide opportunities for our graduates to design their own unique coaching products/frameworks and offerings. We celebrate both the science and art of coaching. Our programs recognize the anchoring provided in core values that drive transformational coaching while encouraging uniqueness and individuality among coaches. Part of what makes a coach successful is having a unique and custom offering that differentiates them in a market filled with certified coaches.

CAC Certification is forward looking. Clearly the market for any leadership services has also been drastically disrupted and new models and frameworks are needed. Our Living Lab approach is a coach/coachee-centered, iterative, ecosystem that integrates concurrent research and innovation processes within the corporate domain.

Together we explore, discover and design what is next.